Flora Animalia is an integrative design studio, dedicated to creating heirloom-quality gardening apparel and accessories that are practical, comfortable, sustainable and made In Studio.
The practice of edible gardening is a labor of love, a source of life, a path to self-sufficiency, a gift to our community. Creating my own edible garden helped me discover the need for workwear that would stand up to the rigorous demands of daily labor while capturing the varied emotional experiences of gardening. Our mission is to create a collection for people who wish to embrace this joyful practice, providing them with clothing that will wear beautifully in the garden and throughout the day.
Compassionate, sustainable living is at the heart of everything we do. Our gardening collection and plant-based food & creative arts workshops promote the mission and craft of community-based gardening. Our design studio is companioned by our own on-site edible garden, an ever-renewing source of creative inspiration and place for community gathering. Our mission is connection: Flora Animalia seeks to help people join together in the healing of our world.
At Flora Animalia, ethically designed and produced garments are both a purpose and a passion. People can wear our clothes with complete confidence that our fabrics and other materials are not only comfortable and beautiful, but sourced in a way that is fair to the men and women who produce them, protective of the lives and safety of animals, and beneficial to the delicate balance of our planet’s ecosystem.
We seek always to align ourselves with individuals and organizations that are dedicated to positive transformation—people who work fiercely and compassionately to heal the damage of factory farming, labor abuses, farm animal abuse, and environmental devastation.
This world is a rich bounty for all of us to share—plants, animals, humans, the environment itself. Every hand that brings life from the soil helps to create a greener future. We are proud to lend our own hands to the design and creation of gardening wares for our universal garden.